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IM-Myth" Report

Friday, October 10, 2008

Aetna Health Insurance For Your Protection!

Aetna Health

Aetna health insurance has long been a highly recognized insurance company. Millions of people have put their trust in Aetna health insurance over the years. Aetna individual health insurance has been a top choice of employers who want to obtain sufficient coverage for their employees. Medical costs these days are spiraling higher than ever before.

Aetna Health

Aetna has risen to the occasion and created some effective new plans to meet today’s Aetna individual health insurance needs. For instance, the Aetna Health Fund is in gaining popularity. The employer puts an amount of money in a fund and the employee spends from it until it is gone. After that the employee pays out of pocket for medical expenses, up to a certain amount. Any amount that is left over at the end of the year can be rolled over to the next year. This is just an example of the innovative new ways Aetna individual health insurance can be suited to your needs.

Aetna Health

Preventive care is a high priority with Aetna health insurance. Regular check-ups can determine health problems early on before they become life threatening. While this may be common sense, that’s not necessarily the case with all insurance companies. Your health is in good hands with health insurance Aetna.

Aetna Health

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The 11 Best Foods You Aren’t Eating

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth,to update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don’t always find their way into our shopping carts. Here’s his advice

1. Beets: Think of beets as red spinach, Dr. Bowden said, because they are a rich source of folate as well as natural red pigments that may be cancer fighters.
How to eat: Fresh, raw and grated to make a salad. Heating decreases the antioxidant power.
2. Cabbage: Loaded with nutrients like sulforaphane, a chemical said to boost cancer-fighting enzymes.
How to eat: Asian-style slaw or as a crunchy topping on burgers and sandwiches.
3. Swiss chard: A leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes.
How to eat it: Chop and saute in olive oil.
4. Cinnamon: May help control blood sugar and cholesterol.
How to eat it: Sprinkle on coffee or oatmeal.
5. Pomegranate juice: Appears to lower blood pressure and loaded with antioxidants.
How to eat: Just drink it.
6. Dried plums: Okay, so they are really prunes, but they are packed with antioxidants.
How to eat: Wrapped in prosciutto and baked.
7. Pumpkin seeds: The most nutritious part of the pumpkin and packed with magnesium; high levels of the mineral are associated with lower risk for early death.
How to eat: Roasted as a snack, or sprinkled on salad.
8. Canned pumpkin: A low-calorie vegetable that is high in fiber and immune-stimulating vitamin A; fills you up on very few calories.
How to eat: Mix with a little butter, cinnamon and nutmeg.
9. Turmeric: The “superstar of spices,'’ it may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
How to eat: Mix with scrambled eggs or in any vegetable dish.
10. Frozen blueberries: Even though freezing can degrade some of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables, frozen blueberries are available year-round and don’t spoil; associated with better memory in animal studies.
How to eat: Blended with yogurt or chocolate soy milk and sprinkled with crushed almonds.
11. Sardines: Dr. Bowden calls them “health food in a can.'’ They are high in omega-3’s, contain virtually no mercury and are loaded with calcium. They also contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese as well as a full complement of B vitamins.
How to eat: Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil. Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.

Healthy After School Snacks for Teens

Since schooldays usually end earlier than workdays, your teens probably spend some time at home alone after school. The good news is that they're old enough to go to the kitchen and feed themselves. They don’t need you to make their snacks for them anymore.
The bad news is also that they are old enough to go to the kitchen and feed themselves. When teens come home from school with growling stomachs, they may not be too interested in making the healthiest of choices. A big bag of greasy potato chips, some dip and sugary soda will probably become the after-school snack of choice because it is easy and tastes good, not because it is good for them.

Good snacks like fresh fruits refuel your teen and give them important nutrients. Poor snacks add extra sugar, saturated fats, and sodium to your kids’ body. And if portions aren't controlled, these snacks may ruin their appetite for your healthy family dinner later.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Breast Health

Aetna Women's Health Online features a variety of information to help women understand breast care and health. The breast health website offers general breast health information, as well as information on the prevention and treatment of breast cancer and options for members who are newly diagnosed with the disease. The site also includes a secure breast health survey to help identify women who may meet the criteria for women's health and disease management programs

Heart Health

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in American women. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that more women die each year from heart disease than stroke, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and HIV combined (2004). This site includes information on gender differences in cardiac care, signs and symptoms of cardiac disease, diagnostic tests, treatment and prevention strategies/approaches for common heart conditions.

The website also highlights ethnic disparities in heart health. Research conducted by the American Heart Association shows that African-American and Hispanic women have higher mortality rates from heart disease than their white counterparts (2004). Aetna Women's Health Online provides visitors with pertinent statistics about heart disease risk in ethnic minorities.

Aetna Women's Health Online

According to the United States Department of Labor, women are the primary health care decision makers and caregivers for a family member who is ill or requires health care services. Aetna Women's Health Online provides the resources to help women make informed choices about health care. The innovative website includes information on breast, cardiovascular and reproductive health and menopause and pregnancy information. Visitors to the site can also obtain age-based recommended health screenings, depression information and information about the prevention of chronic conditions.

A suite of interactive tools is also available on the website. The tools include a due date calculator, baby growth timeline, calculator to determine body mass index and a guide to food serving sizes.

Aetna Women's Health Online is available on under the “Members and Consumers” category by selecting Health Information and then Women's Health

Aetna Health Insurance

Aetna is a well-known and well-respected name in health insurance and their policies are excellent. The only problem with them is that they are more expensive than many people can afford. Did you know that there's a new way to buy insurance - a secret that your broker hopes you'll never figure out - that can let you buy a policy every bit as good as an Aetna policy, but at a rate that's as much as 30 to 40% less each and every month?

You'd like to save 30% on your health care - right? Who wouldn't? But how would you like to save even MORE? It's possible. Before I discuss the Big secret for saving as much as 30 to 40% over the cost of an Aetna policy, I want to discuss a few other changes you can make that will let you save as much as an ADDITIONAL 10 to 12% every month, month after month.

Pay your premium directly from your bank account every month. Do you have any idea just how costly it is for your company to print a bill and mail it out to you every month? It costs them several dollars a month just to send you a simple bill. If you save them this cost and effort they are more than willing to pass most of that savings back to you in the form of a lower premium every month.

Do you know how much a fast food burger and fries costs? I bet you don't. Were you aware that every fast food burger and bag of fries you consume is adding to your weight and that in turn is adding to the cost of your health premium? Stopping at a fast food joint for a quick burger and fries is costing you an arm and a leg, both literally and figuratively.

Smoking or using chew is also costing you a whole lot more than you think. The cost of a pack of smokes doesn't come anywhere close to the price you pay for your addiction. Smokers and people who use chew pay a LOT more for their health insurance than people who do not. So if you are serious about saving money on health premiums then you'll have to be just as serious when it comes time to quitting smoking or using chew.

Most people never think twice about the 25% co-payment they make each time they visit their doctor. If you see your doctor frequently then maintaining a 25% co-pay is probably a good idea. However, if you only see your doctor once or twice a year then you can probably save a lot of money simply by increasing your co-pay to 50%.
Increasing your deductible will lower the monthly cost of your premium right away. Just don't go overboard and increase your deductible to the point that you can't afford to pay it each year.

And this brings us to the Big Secret that Aetna and all other brick and mortar insurance brokers hope you'll never learn. If you want to save as much as 30% to 40% instantly on your health insurance, all you need to do is to buy your policy online.

That's it. That's all you have to do. Online brokers have almost no overhead, and that allows them to sell you a policy at wholesale and still show a profit. Also, there's a ton of competition online and the more competition there is the lower prices are driven.

And that's great for YOU!

Also, when you buy your policy from the comfort of your own home there's no broker sitting there talking you into buying more than you need and more than you can afford.

Don't take my word for any of this. Check it all out yourself. When you do I think you'll discover the same thing I learned when I did my own research - buying your policy online is the ONLY way to go if your goal is to save as much money each and every month as you possibly can!

fun marketing methods to bring in more income

Do you want to learn completely different, new and fun marketing methods to bring in more income? With this new trend you can! Today I'm going to reveal to you what can be the Next Big Thing in our industry and how you can start using it now without having to 'figure' it out. ========================================== If you are in a hurry, check this link where I show you exactly where and HOW you can do this: ========================================== George Pluss has just started a new Dime S.ale! He's giving away the unique new system that many marketers have been using recently to bring 1000s visitors per DAY to their sites. And this is exactly the same thing that Google p.aid over $1.65 billion for. You can check out what I'm talking about at the following link: In just a moment I'm going to show you the exact methods that some under-the-radar m.arketing gurus (including my above friend) have been using to generate thousands in p.rofits monthly without no overhead at all. It's not the usual garbage that's thrown in your face each day. The methods are very new, they became possible only with Web 2.0. I won't be explaining more in this message, you need to see for yourself. You will be able to watch some videos showing you the exact proof. And even see how one low-budget ugly 'product' grossed over $100 million within months with this new trend. Chances are even you also p.aid for that product recently. Remember, this is one of the George's famous Dime Sales. As I write this the price is STILL very low and increasing by $0.1... Guess, how long it will be that low after more folks learn about this? Don't stare at me like that... Go, go... Click the following link to check it out NOW: Cheers, AHMAD P.S. Hurry now! Time is of importance now. Go there, while you can lock the price under THAT low and then take time to read all the juicy details:

Self Improvement , subliminal tapes, CD and mp3

When it comes to women’s health problems, many think that Physical and mental rejuvenation , Experience better skin, Overcome claustrophobia , Stop being sick with psiconeuroimmunology , Stop Insomnia, Stop Vertigo is a more serious threat than health problems.

Anything and almost everything...subliminal tapes

Do you about the self improvement subliminal tapes or subliminal cd ? This means you won’t consciously hear them, but your subconscious mind will hear them and store them. Subliminal tapes can build your personality, your mind, Control your weight, manage your stress, Stop smoking, improve your mind, and you’re whole self. But many people find that their habits and fears are too powerful to break on their own. Forget the apparent sexism. Whatever you think, is what you are. If you think of yourself as a smoker, you’ll be a smoker. If you think of yourself as doomed to be a failure at weight loss, you’ll be doomed. If you think you can’t, you won’t.

Anything and almost everything...subliminal cd

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Anything and almost everything...subliminal mp3

Weight Health, Health, Sex, Sports, Stress, Genius Kit,

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Anything and almost everything in subliminal tapes, subliminal CD and subliminal mp3

In The News

“Subliminal training can improve our ability to see moving dots, Takeo Watanabe and his co-workers at Boston University, Massachusetts have found. ‘Without noticing, we are unconsciously learning,’ Watanabe says. Repeated exposure to objects we are oblivious to ‘could have a tremendous effect on our brains’ he says,” reports Nature.