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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Aetna Health Insurance
You'd like to save 30% on your health care - right? Who wouldn't? But how would you like to save even MORE? It's possible. Before I discuss the Big secret for saving as much as 30 to 40% over the cost of an Aetna policy, I want to discuss a few other changes you can make that will let you save as much as an ADDITIONAL 10 to 12% every month, month after month.
Pay your premium directly from your bank account every month. Do you have any idea just how costly it is for your company to print a bill and mail it out to you every month? It costs them several dollars a month just to send you a simple bill. If you save them this cost and effort they are more than willing to pass most of that savings back to you in the form of a lower premium every month.
Do you know how much a fast food burger and fries costs? I bet you don't. Were you aware that every fast food burger and bag of fries you consume is adding to your weight and that in turn is adding to the cost of your health premium? Stopping at a fast food joint for a quick burger and fries is costing you an arm and a leg, both literally and figuratively.
Smoking or using chew is also costing you a whole lot more than you think. The cost of a pack of smokes doesn't come anywhere close to the price you pay for your addiction. Smokers and people who use chew pay a LOT more for their health insurance than people who do not. So if you are serious about saving money on health premiums then you'll have to be just as serious when it comes time to quitting smoking or using chew.
Most people never think twice about the 25% co-payment they make each time they visit their doctor. If you see your doctor frequently then maintaining a 25% co-pay is probably a good idea. However, if you only see your doctor once or twice a year then you can probably save a lot of money simply by increasing your co-pay to 50%.
Increasing your deductible will lower the monthly cost of your premium right away. Just don't go overboard and increase your deductible to the point that you can't afford to pay it each year.
And this brings us to the Big Secret that Aetna and all other brick and mortar insurance brokers hope you'll never learn. If you want to save as much as 30% to 40% instantly on your health insurance, all you need to do is to buy your policy online.
That's it. That's all you have to do. Online brokers have almost no overhead, and that allows them to sell you a policy at wholesale and still show a profit. Also, there's a ton of competition online and the more competition there is the lower prices are driven.
And that's great for YOU!
Also, when you buy your policy from the comfort of your own home there's no broker sitting there talking you into buying more than you need and more than you can afford.
Don't take my word for any of this. Check it all out yourself. When you do I think you'll discover the same thing I learned when I did my own research - buying your policy online is the ONLY way to go if your goal is to save as much money each and every month as you possibly can!
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